19th European Carabidologists Meeting - Carabids in extreme environments

19th European Carabidologists Meeting - Carabids in extreme environments

"Carabids in extreme environments"

The 19th European Carabidologists Meeting will be in Italy. The Meeting will be organized by the
“Parco Naturale Paneveggio - Pale di San Martino” in the town of Fiera di Primiero (TN), Italy,
16th-20th of September 2019.
Great visibility to your research starting from the abstract!
The central topic of the 19th European Carabidologists' Meeting is "Carabids in extreme
environments". It is consistent with the geographical location of the Meeting, but at the same time
"extreme" leaves room for many interpretations (e.g. city, tundra, road roundabout are extreme
environments). As usual, it is possible to send an abstract even on a different topic, e.g. carabid
taxonomy, ecosystem services, agroecology, species traits, etc. We are also open to suggestions of
mini-symposia, roundtables, etc.

Abstracts for the 19th European Carabidologists Meeting will be published online in the journal
ARPHA Conference Abstracts (ACA). It is a novel, open access, human- and machine-readable
platform designed to assist conference organisers and participants in authoring, submission, peer
review, editorial management, publication and dissemination of conference abstracts in any field of
science, published with DOI in semantic HTML, XML and PDF formats.
Manuscripts intended for submission to ACA, should be written in the collaborative online ARPHA
Writing Tool.
A new collection in the ACA online journal entitled "Carabids in extreme environments. 19th
European Carabidologists Meeting" was created

To write and submit a conference abstract to ACA, the authors need to:
- Log in at the journal’s website (ACA).
- Create a new Conference abstract manuscript via the ARPHA Writing Tool by clicking the
"Start a Conference Abstract" button on the journal’s homepage.
- Fill in the mandatory metadata along with the text of the abstract. In the field "Presented at"
remember to write "19thECM oral communication" or "19thECM poster".
- Assign their manuscript to the collection "Carabids in extreme environments. 19th European
Carabidologists Meeting" by clicking on the Collections-button located in the very top iconmenu.
- Pass the validation ("validate" button down left in the page; i.e. automated check for empty
mandatory fields).
- Have their conference abstract accepted for a particular collection from the respective editor
(this may take several iterations depending on the collection editor’s comments and
subsequent decision)
- Submit their conference abstract for publication to the journal.
! At least one author must be registered to have the accepted abstracts published
Here is a link with more detailed instructions for the authors:
The published articles within this collection will be visible at:

Registration fee
SMART: 220€ (1.Jan.2019 - 31.May.2019). 150€ student special price
FAST: 240€ (1.June.2019 - 31.Aug.2019). 180€ student special price
LAZY: 260€ (1.Sep.2019 - end 19thECM). 180€ student special price
Registration fee includes: registration pack, coffees, lunches, excursion, registration certificate and
access to scientific sessions.
Accompanying person: 70€; icludes lunches, excursion.
Please pay by bank transfer
Bank account:
Parco Naturale Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino
Account Number: 1480
IBAN: IT11J0200805615000001480809
for "Your Name, 19thECM"
return a copy of the receipt to carabids19thecm@unical.it
Fiera di Primiero is a small tourist town, with several hotels close to the Meeting venue.
Have a look at the attached map (zoom in) and book your accomodation through the online facilities
at https://www.sanmartino.com/index.asp?l=en

Download brochure