Training 2016 in Entomologia: i Ditteri Sirfidi
Training program in Entomology (special. Diptera Syrphidae), emphasis on collection management and bioindicator use
Syrphidae, commonly called hoverfly, is a large family of Diptera: more than 6000 species has been described in world fauna. Hoverflies are well known for imitating wasps, bees or bumblebees. Syrphid adults can be particularly common in field and they can be easily see on flowers looking for nectar and pollen. Their larvae show a large differentiation in trophic habits: some are predators mainly on aphids, some phytophagous, some are saprophagous in eutrophic water or in dead woods. Aphidophagous Syrphids are considered as one of the main predator in controlling these pests: this explain the large interested developed around the presence of this insects in agroecosystems. Several researches underline the importance of Syrphidae as bioindicators in environmental evaluation and since ’90 a method, called Syrph the Net, has been developed to standardize the use of hoverflies as bioindicators.le informazioni sullo stage e sulle modalità di partecipazione sono disponibili nella pagina ufficiale dell'evento