2017 Francesca Gherardi Memorial Prize, premio per giovani ricercatori nell'ambito della Biologia degli animali acquatici invasivi
The Francesca Gherardi Memorial Prize of 5,000 Euro is an annual award, given by the Department of Biology, University of Florence, Italy, to a young researcher who demonstrates outstanding ability in the fields of Crustacean Behaviour and/or Invasion Biology.
The late Professor Francesca Gherardi passed away prematurely on February 14th 2013. Professor Gherardi was an outstanding, internationally-recognised researcher of crustacean behaviour and biology of invasive alien species. She taught zoology and conservation of natural resources at the University of Florence, and was about to be promoted to Full Professorship, which, alas, arrived too late. Her family and colleagues hope that younger researchers would benefit from her legacy.
The prize money is donated by the Gherardi family in memory of their beloved relative. The prize commemorates Prof. Dr. Francesca Gherardi, and is in recognition of the fine example that she set for young scientists.
La scadenza è il 30 novembre prossimo.Chi fosse interessato può trovare maggiori informazioni sul link:http://www.bio.unifi.it/vp-118-francesca-gherardi-prize.html